Elder Redd's favorite scripture

Elder Redd's favorite missionary scripture

Alma 26:11-12
But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength,
nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with
joy, and I will rejoice in my God.
Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak;
therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his
strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought
in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Yes, we like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir

November 25

Las Venturas de Elder Rojo: Capitulo 78

Hay que pasa?! Parece que casi todos me han olvidado! Pero esta bien, espero que todos disfrutan su tiempo de los dias festivos! Pues no son los dias festivos en Canada. Pues aqui por esta semana vamos a ver el dia de gracias entonces muchas personas se van a diferente lugares o estan muy occupados con sus familiares que vienen de visitantes.

There it goes! It seems that almost everyone has forgotten me! But okay, I hope you all enjoy your time of holidays! Well, are not the holidays in Canada. Well here for this week will see the Thanksgiving then many people go to different places or are very busy with relatives coming for visits.

Speaking of busy weeks, We had a super busy week last week! But it was amazing, the Lord blessed us so much for our diligence, obedience and hard work. On Monday as I mentioned last week we weren't too bad. That night was probably the best Monday night of my whole mission! After we ate dinner we went out to work! We taught 3 lessons and found 4 new investigators. Crazy I know! Then we went back to our appointment to meet up with Elder Koyle who was coming on an exchange with us. Tuesday we went out and worked our tails off! We talked to EVERYONE and saw several miracles! It was a super great day, we went to see our investigator Cesar, we got there and he was just cleaning up his house, so we helped him. He asked if he could play some music so we explained our rules to him about music and how we can't listen to most music, but we could listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. So he found it on Pandora and started blasting MOTAB in his house while we cleaned. The best part was that he actually liked it. (Cesar is 22 years old) Then we sat down to teach him, the spirit was already there because of the music, and as we taught him the Restoration it got intense! The spirit was so powerful that you could feel it in that room! When we invited him to be baptized he just nodded because there was no way that you could deny that. We invited him to prepare for the 14th of December and he said, "If God puts it into my heart I'll do it." Man that was an amazing experience!

Wednesday we had our zone meeting, so we woke up early to drive to Craig, be on our conference call, and then train on the thigns we'd learned in MLC's the previous week. It was powerful meeting. Afterwards one of the members of our Stake Presidency brought us lunch. I thought about the scriptures where Christ tells his disciples to not take extra money or clothes with them. He does provide a way for his Servants! after the meeting we did another exchange with The Steamboat Springs Elders. We didn't get back to Meeker until round 3 PM but then we got straght to work! We worked our tails off once again! Thursday when we exchanged back it was snowing pretty hard so we had an interesting drive up to Craig. Elder Condie and I didn't get back until 4 PM but we went and did everything we could with the time that we had! Then the weekend came and we worked as hard as we could for the entire time. We got to see so many miracles in the work of the Lord. Makes sense seeing as how he is a God of Miracles!

I know that to be true, This is the true church of Jesus Christ! This is his work and nothing can stop it from progressing!

Con mucho amor,

Elder Rojo

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