Elder Redd's favorite scripture

Elder Redd's favorite missionary scripture

Alma 26:11-12
But Ammon said unto him: I do not boast in my own strength,
nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with
joy, and I will rejoice in my God.
Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak;
therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his
strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought
in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Cleared for Baptism

May 12, 2014 
Las Venturas de Elder Rojo: Capitulo 102

Feliz dia de las madres! Aunque es un dia tarde quiero felicitar todos por cumplir el mas grande papel de una madre! Y agradecer a mi madre, mis abuelas y mis hermanas tambien. (Si tengo 6 madres!) Happy mothers day! Although a day late I want to congratulate all who fulfill the greatest role of a mother! And thank my mother, my grandmothers and my sisters too. (Yes I have six mothers!)

I hope you all enjoyed your mothers days! Mine was awesome highlighted by a few details in just a moment! Thanks for the picture of Isaac's baptism! Congrats Isaac you've grown so much! 

The week was incredible full of miracles that I've written in my Journal and you'll all hear more about later because I don't have time today. We're going Parkouring with some awesome people we know! We were going to do it awhile back but we had to cancel so we're very excited for that today! But Sunday was incredible! We had dinner with a Member of our ward who just moved in and she's a returned missionary, she was going to invite a friend over for dinner so that we could attend. When he canceled she invited J our most amazing precious soul ever! It was perfect because we'd wanted to review prophets before his interview that night and were scrambling to figure it all out! So perfect, she had him over for dinner and we got to teach afterwards in a members home! Talk about the hand of the Lord guiding people! Especially because she thought he was actually a recent convert and not a member. So after a delicious dinner we watched Special Witnesses of Christ and testified of President Monson. It was a great lesson and when we asked him if he believed President Monson was a prophet of God he said, "I'd like to believe it." He has such incredible faith! It was also pretty cool because her roommate was studying at the table and she started watching as President Monson spoke. I know she felt the spirit, so we "accidentally" left the dvd there. I really hope that her interest was piqued sufficiently so she'll pick it up and watch it. 

Later that night J passed his interview with Elder Yates. He'll be baptized on the 17th and I'm so excited for him! I know that this is the true church of God, it is the only church with Prophets and Apostles that are witnesses of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! 

Con mucho amor, 

Elder Rojo

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